Uttana Shisosasana or puppy pose increases upper back extension and opens the front of the body. This variation also addresses the triceps (a key muscle in chaturanga dandasana). For Samantha, someone who is specifically focusing on building upper body strength, this pose efficiently addresses multiple muscle groups. The nature of this pose is deep, keep an eye on any temptation to settle into a depth of intensity that doesn’t feel beneficial. If you know your upper back, chest or triceps are particularly tight, place your elbows on blocks. The elevation will give you the support you need to get a little deeper without crushing your forehead into the floor. Start in tabletop top pose (on all fours), keeping your hips over the knees begin to walk your arms away (image one), once the arms are extended, draw the palms of the hands together, working to point the fingers to the sky and lower the forehead toward the earth. If the chest easily reaches the earth, lift the forehead and place chin on earth. If you use blocks, walk the arms away to gauge where the blocks should be, place them under the elbows, bring palms together and lower heart toward the earth to a depth that feels sustainable. Take three to five deep breaths here, feel into what is most beneficial for you in the moment. Shift into child’s pose for the same number of breaths to counter this pose. You can repeat as many times as feels beneficial. For your first round try it no more than three times and notice how your body feels in the following days. As you become more familiar with how your body reacts to this posture you can make wise decisions about how you use it. As always, notice any temptation to do more than is truly beneficial for your body and let me know how you feel after you try it!