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Proven and effective techniques. You are the only missing piece.


Social Connection

Social connection is more important for longevity than both fitness and nutrition. It’s also a significant contributor to the healing process. At Complete Wellbeing you are not another patient on our roster, you are a member of our community. We care deeply about our community and do all we can to nurture our community members.

It isn’t just your treatment who are here with you. We have a Facebook group full of community members supporting each other through their healing process, each of our programs have chat groups so you get to know others who are working through similar pain as you, our issue-specific classes will allow you to workout with others with like-concerns as well. We are all stronger, together.

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Our nutrition philosophy is simple. We are here to help you heal. If your body doesn’t have what it needs to be well, it doesn’t have what it needs to heal. We have three levels of nutrition consultation.

  1. Basic Consultation
  2. Saliva Nutrition Test
  3. Blood Work Analysis

No matter where you fall on the nutrition spectrum we have a solution that’s right for you and if you aren’t sure what is right for you we will work with you to identify the lowest level of intervention that will get you results. That’s our approach, start with the least amount of intervention and progress as necessary.


Basic Consultation: Work with our Nutritionist one-on-one to determine what necessary steps you need to take in order to give your body what it needs to heal and be pain free. This is right for you if you are already very nutrition focused and may need just a few tweaks to your daily nutrition.

Saliva Nutrition Test: The unique test is sent to our lab who analyze your dna, interpret their findings and report back to us very specific information about your body. You will then work with your therapist to develop a food plan based off your DNA analysis. This is right for you if you know you have not been eating nutritionally dense for more than 60 days or if you regularly feel symptoms of poor nutrition (fatigue, gas, bloating, cramping, inflammation). You will learn exactly what your body is and is not receptive to eating, where the gaps in nutrition are, and what steps to take to course correct.

Blood Work: This may be right for you if you are struggling with chronic or acute illness or disease. Our Doctor of Naturopathy will order the labs and interpret them with you, providing very specific recommendations to you and to our Nutritionist who will then develop a meal plan with you. This will be especially helpful if you have been dealing with endocrine imbalance, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, among others.



We have seen movement, over and over again, be a key factor in healing pain. Whether that be moving tissues with manual manipulation (neuromuscular therapy, chiropractic, assisted stretching, etc.) or active movement, movement is essential.

How the body is moved matters, when the body is moved matters, why the body is moved matters. We will learn together how and when and why your body wants to be moved.

We have created our own movement protocols from years of research and clinical application. You will hear us say, time and again, it’s not what you do, but how.

Efficacy is what drives us at Complete Wellbeing. We want you to feel better and not just for now.


 Schedule your appointment today