Social Connection
Connecting with others is a vital component of health and healing. Regular communication keeps you in contact with Christina, she's with you all the way .

Inflammation exacerbates pain, every function of your body is improved with optimal nutrition. Christina's specially crafted anti-inflammatory nutrition plan will set you on the path to success.

Movement is medicine for many pain conditions. Christina puts together unique movement programs combining nearly a decade of clinical experience with evidenced-based protocols.

Christina Wehry is a Holistic Health Expert
Christina Wehry, HHP, is one of the top pain relief therapists San Diego has. She is a recognized authority in her field, she speaks regionally and nationally on the subjects of holistic health tactics and current pain relief therapies. Ms. Wehry founded her pain relief practice in Banker’s Hill to integrate proven holistic methods with budding neuroscientifc and molecular science. Her clients have unprecedented access to personalized, regenerative treatments targeted for maximally effective pain management and resolution.

More Americans live with chronic pain than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined.
Complicated health care policies, scheduling limitations, and rising health care costs make it difficult to treat and manage musculoskeletal pain.
80% of patients don't receive evidence-based care.
Clinical evidence demonstrates guided exercise, therapy, and lifestyle changes are often more effective than drugs or surgery.
Two thirds of surgeries are avoidable.
Clinical studies show a majority of back and joint surgeries are avoidable with consistent exercise therapy and lifestyle changes.
Opioids are not effective for chronic pain.
Opioids are not a long-term solution for chronic pain. Yet, they remain over prescribed for many patients with back and joint pain.
What People Are Saying

So how can you find relief from chronic pain?
With lifetime online access to a solution that you can use from the comfort of anywhere.
Complete Wellbeing is based on best practice care guidelines from expert bodies such as the American Physical Therapy Association and the American Pain Society. This care has been proven in dozens of clinical trials to reduce pain, prevent surgeries, and help you get back to the activities you love.

An integrative, holistic approach
When it comes to working with chronic musculoskeletal pain you need to keep moving, reduce the impacts of stress, and eat healthfully. With Complete Wellbeing you will have access to all three components of becoming and staying pain free.